Superbowl LI Commercials 2017
All the Superbowl commercials can be found on AdBlitz on YouTube. Let us know which one was your favorite and why? (We've had some feedback that "Mr. Clean" might be the winner this year, what do you think?)
All the Superbowl commercials can be found on AdBlitz on YouTube. Let us know which one was your favorite and why? (We've had some feedback that "Mr. Clean" might be the winner this year, what do you think?)
This is an awesome video on the science of persuasion based on concepts that were studied and proven by Robert Cialdini, professor emeritus of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University: There is a science to how we are persuaded. The human brain needs short cuts or rules of thumb to guide decision making. The 6 universal shortcuts for decision making are: Reciprocity Scarcity Authority Consistency Liking Consensus Can this science be applied to sales and marketing? Share your thoughts on this video in the comments below or...
The Super Bowl is coming up on February 5, 2017. Here is a review of Super Bowl commercials from last year:
The Super Bowl is coming up on February 5, 2017. Here is a review of Super Bowl commercials from 2015:
In his book, Guerrilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business, Jay Conrad Levinson describes multiple different marketing streams. He explains how do-it-yourself business owners, or Guerrilla Marketers, can market their small business on a low budget. Within the book he classifies media into two categories, Minimedia and Maximedia. He also describes emedia, infomedia, human media, and non-media. His lists on minimedia and maximedia have been previously published. The...
In his book, Guerrilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business, Jay Conrad Levinson describes multiple different marketing streams. He explains how do-it-yourself business owners, or Guerrilla Marketers, can market their small business on a low budget. Within the book he classifies media into two categories, Minimedia and Maximedia. He also describes emedia, infomedia, human media, and non-media. The following is his list of maximedia marketing streams: Newspapers Magazines Radio ...
In his book, Guerrilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business, Jay Conrad Levinson describes multiple different marketing streams. He explains how do-it-yourself business owners, or Guerrilla Marketers, can market their small business on a low budget. Within the book he classifies media into two categories, Minimedia and Maximedia. He also describes emedia, infomedia, human media, and non-media. The following is his list of minimedia marketing streams: Canvassing Business Cards ...
One of the many, many golden nuggets of marketing that were included in the recent Part I, Part II, and Part III summaries of the book, Neuromarketing, is that people who speak 20% faster than average have more influence during their presentation. How about this guy? John Moschitta Jr was a commercial icon in the 1980s and nick-named "motormouth" and "the world's fastest talking man"...
Today's creative marketing discussion is on the Creative Commercial: Sillycon Valley by Toshiba. In this commercial, Toshiba takes a stab at it's own industry by humorously trying to appeal to those who are getting overwhelmed by the fast advances of technology. Obviously, there are parts of the commercial that assume the audience is up-to-date on technology industry news. For instance, the drone at the beginning is funnier if you know that Amazon had previously announced that drones may be a...
In memory of the recently late comedian Robin Williams, this week's creative commercial is by Snickers. Watch the Snickers Football Coach commercial with Robin Williams (Hook, Mrs. Doubtfire, and many other classics), and briefly Robert Francis 'Bobcat' Goldthwait (Police Academy 2). Then comment below on whether you think this commercial was a good marketing investment by Snickers. Robin Williams: July 21, 1951 - August 11, 2014. (IMDB page, Wikipedia,