diy marketing

More of Levinson’s Lists of Marketing Media

In his book, Guerrilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business, Jay Conrad Levinson describes multiple different marketing streams. He explains how do-it-yourself business owners, or Guerrilla Marketers, can market their small business on a low budget. Within the book he classifies media into two categories, Minimedia and Maximedia. He also describes emedia, infomedia, human media, and non-media. His lists on minimedia and maximedia have been previously published. The...

Levinson’s List of Maximedia Marketing

In his book, Guerrilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business, Jay Conrad Levinson describes multiple different marketing streams. He explains how do-it-yourself business owners, or Guerrilla Marketers, can market their small business on a low budget. Within the book he classifies media into two categories, Minimedia and Maximedia. He also describes emedia, infomedia, human media, and non-media. The following is his list of maximedia marketing streams: Newspapers Magazines Radio ...

Levinson’s List of Minimedia Marketing

In his book, Guerrilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business, Jay Conrad Levinson describes multiple different marketing streams. He explains how do-it-yourself business owners, or Guerrilla Marketers, can market their small business on a low budget. Within the book he classifies media into two categories, Minimedia and Maximedia. He also describes emedia, infomedia, human media, and non-media. The following is his list of minimedia marketing streams: Canvassing Business Cards ...

Concluding Details of Neuromarketing Book

The book Neuromarketing, by Patrick Renvoise & Christophe Morin, combines neuroscience with marketing. Neuroscience is the study of the brain and nerves. While it is based on neuroscience research, it is written for the common person, and you don't have to have a neuroscience background to understand it. The book has clear, actionable information that will help you become a better marketer and sales person for your business, your clients and yourself. By knowing how the...

Neuromarketing Book Summary Part III

The book Neuromarketing, Understanding the "Buy Buttons" in Your Customer's Brain, by Patrick Renvoise & Christophe Morin, combines neuroscience with marketing. Neuroscience is the study of the brain and nervous system. A better understanding of how people think and make decisions can facilitate your marketing efforts. If you follow these tips, you'll likely see an increase in conversion rate and sales. While this book is based on neuroscience, it is written for the common person. The...

Neuromarketing Book Summary Part II

The book Neuromarketing, Understanding the "Buy Buttons" in Your Customer's Brain, by Patrick Renvoise & Christophe Morin, combines neuroscience with marketing. Neuroscience is the study of the brain and nervous system. A better understanding of how people think and make decisions can facilitate your marketing efforts. If you follow these tips, you'll likely see an increase in conversion rate and sales. While this book is based on neuroscience, it is written for the common person. The...

Neuromarketing Book Summary Part I

The book Neuromarketing, Understanding the "Buy Buttons" in Your Customer's Brain, by Patrick Renvoise & Christophe Morin, combines neuroscience with marketing. Neuroscience is the study of the brain and nervous system. A better understanding of how people think and make decisions can facilitate your marketing efforts. If you follow these tips, you'll likely see an increase in conversion rate and sales. While this book is based on neuroscience, it is written for the common person. The...

Remaining Summary of Cockrum’s Free Marketing

Over the last month or so, there have been multiple blog posts on Jim Cockrum's book Free Marketing, 101 Low and No-Cost Ways to Grow Your Business Online and Off. All theses posts combined, Free Marketing Summaries Part I, Part II, Part III,

The 200 Weapons of Guerrilla Marketing

In his book, Guerrilla Marketing, Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business (2007), Jay Conrad Levinson lists the following marketing resources, tips and strategies. He categorizes these resources into digital and non-digital media, both on small scales and large scales. He calls the small scale media "minimedia" and large scale media "maximedia". Some of the items on the list aren't actually media streams at all, but they're still considered tools and "weapons" for...

Free Marketing, 101 Low and No-Cost Ways, Part I

In his book, Free Marketing: 101 Low and No-Cost Ways to Grow Your Business Online and Off, Jim Cockrum offers 102 chapters of marketing tips. These tips include ideas for free marketing or low-budget marketing.  Early in his book, he explains that his book is divided into three parts: Internet Marketing (Chapters 1-32), Building Trust and Growing Your Circle of Influence (Chapters 33-77), and Stay Relevant, Interesting and Potent (Chapters 78-102). However, he continues to mention...