Levinson’s List of Maximedia Marketing
In his book, Guerrilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business, Jay Conrad Levinson describes multiple different marketing streams. He explains how do-it-yourself business owners, or Guerrilla Marketers, can market their small business on a low budget. Within the book he classifies media into two categories, Minimedia and Maximedia. He also describes emedia, infomedia, human media, and non-media. The following is his list of maximedia marketing streams:
- Newspapers
- Magazines
- Radio
- Television
- Outdoor Advertising
- Direct Mail Marketing
This edition of Guerrilla marketing was published in 2007, which is extremely outdated compared with modern internet marketing and how much marketing has changed. In large part, internet marketing has replaced these marketing streams. However, Mirex Marketing is one of the few digital marketing agencies who would agree that there is still a place for them. It depends the most on the marketing target, and there are some very unique targets in the market that can be reached effectively with these channels.
As a guerrilla marketer, Levinson was listing these traditional forms of advertising to make a point that the small business owner has options and not all of them are expensive. If you decide that advertising in a magazine would help you reach your target, pick only a specific region of distribution instead of distributing nationwide so that you can focus on the target and pay less. It is all about the target! While the book may be outdated, the principles of Guerrilla Marketing are timeless.
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