tax savings

How to Avoid an IRS Tax Audit

The following is advice that I've received from accounting professionals on how to avoid an IRS tax audit. Keep in mind that I (the author of this article) am not an accountant myself or any type of IRS official. It's still good advice, but for better advice, consult the right professionals. There is a rumor based on statistics that the IRS selects the people/businesses that they audit from those who file their taxes on time. Its a random, lottery-type selection (too...

How to Deduct Vehicle Expenses for Small Business Owners

Vehicle expenses are one of the largest expenses for businesses who own vehicles and one of the biggest deductions you can claim on your taxes as a small business owner. This article will give you all the actionable information you need, summarized from the book, Tax Savvy for Small Business by Frederick and Quinn. Follow these steps to deduct vehicle expenses from your small business taxes. Step 1: Keep a mileage log to record vehicle use. You'll...

29 Tax Deductions for Businesses (the most common)

"There is nothing sinister in arranging one's affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible . . . for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands." - Judge Learned Hand. The tax deductions that come with owning a business are one of the biggest motivations for owning a business. Taxes are calculated based on the business' income after expenses (recall the

How to Find a Good Accountant for Small Business

Every business owner needs a super team. There are multiple professionals on this team which may include lawyers, accountants, consultants, marketing experts and others. When aggregating this team, it is important to find the right professional for your business to avoid as many mistakes as possible and maximize the effectiveness of your business. Since this is Accounting Month on the Mirex Marketing blog, it is only appropriate to have...

September is Accounting Month for the Mirex Marketing blog

September is Accounting Month for the Mirex Marketing blog. Accounting, bookkeeping and taxes are probably some of the most boring topics for non-numbers people. Yet, if you want to run a business, you have to be able to manage the money to achieve success and growth. Businesses are in business to make a profit. Even non-profit organizations must manage their accounting properly to avoid failure. If you're not making a profit, then your business needs to change. And the only...