tax free

Accounting Month Conclusion and More Resources to Learn Small Business Accounting, Bookkeeping and Tax Savings

Since 9/15, this blog (which primarily focuses on marketing but has a lot of other info related to business) has had near-daily posts on small business accounting, bookkeeping and tax savings for Accounting Month. These posts are intended to help business owners, business managers, small businesses and start-ups improve their accounting procedures and maximize their tax reductions. Non-marketing business advice is sometimes included on this blog because we care...

How to Deduct Vehicle Expenses for Small Business Owners

Vehicle expenses are one of the largest expenses for businesses who own vehicles and one of the biggest deductions you can claim on your taxes as a small business owner. This article will give you all the actionable information you need, summarized from the book, Tax Savvy for Small Business by Frederick and Quinn. Follow these steps to deduct vehicle expenses from your small business taxes. Step 1: Keep a mileage log to record vehicle use. You'll...