
Why would a marketing blog include non-marketing topics?

Anyone who browses through the various articles on the Mirex Marketing Blog will find articles written about topics other than marketing. Why would a marketing blog include topics such as accounting, legal tips (which does not constitute professional legal advice), business insurance, customer service, business start up, management and other business topics? There are actually a couple good reasons. One reason is that marketing is a vital part of any business and therefore can affect or be related to all other...

More of Levinson’s Lists of Marketing Media

In his book, Guerrilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business, Jay Conrad Levinson describes multiple different marketing streams. He explains how do-it-yourself business owners, or Guerrilla Marketers, can market their small business on a low budget. Within the book he classifies media into two categories, Minimedia and Maximedia. He also describes emedia, infomedia, human media, and non-media. His lists on minimedia and maximedia have been previously published. The...

Levinson’s List of Maximedia Marketing

In his book, Guerrilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business, Jay Conrad Levinson describes multiple different marketing streams. He explains how do-it-yourself business owners, or Guerrilla Marketers, can market their small business on a low budget. Within the book he classifies media into two categories, Minimedia and Maximedia. He also describes emedia, infomedia, human media, and non-media. The following is his list of maximedia marketing streams: Newspapers Magazines Radio ...

Levinson’s List of Minimedia Marketing

In his book, Guerrilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business, Jay Conrad Levinson describes multiple different marketing streams. He explains how do-it-yourself business owners, or Guerrilla Marketers, can market their small business on a low budget. Within the book he classifies media into two categories, Minimedia and Maximedia. He also describes emedia, infomedia, human media, and non-media. The following is his list of minimedia marketing streams: Canvassing Business Cards ...

For all the “SEM”s out there, “Marketing” is a BLANKET TERM!

Newbies may read the title of this article and wonder why the statement even needs to be made, but those in the industry probably understand right off the bat. If you're unfamiliar with the acronym SEM, it stands for Search Engine Marketing or Search Engine Marketer. Some correctly interpret this to mean any marketing activities to promote a business, brand or product through search engines OR a marketer who performs any activity to promote a business, brand or product through...

Dinner And A Kiss With “Mary Ann”

I was standing in the small room of an obscure restaurant in Los Angeles going over a revolutionary mobile app with the CEO of a tech company. The room was private. However, it had dim mood lighting and music that was loud enough to compete with the conversations we were having. “I sure hope they turn down this music,” I was thinking. “We have some important information to tell her when she gets here, and I want her to be...

Accounting Month Conclusion and More Resources to Learn Small Business Accounting, Bookkeeping and Tax Savings

Since 9/15, this blog (which primarily focuses on marketing but has a lot of other info related to business) has had near-daily posts on small business accounting, bookkeeping and tax savings for Accounting Month. These posts are intended to help business owners, business managers, small businesses and start-ups improve their accounting procedures and maximize their tax reductions. Non-marketing business advice is sometimes included on this blog because we care...

Sources of Finanical Information on Small Businesses

A previous post on this blog for Accounting Month described the relationship between the business financials and the business plan. For business owners, business managers and future business owners who are starting a business, or for anyone who needs to make financial projections, it helps to do research when you actually know where to look for the information. If you don't...

How to Avoid an IRS Tax Audit

The following is advice that I've received from accounting professionals on how to avoid an IRS tax audit. Keep in mind that I (the author of this article) am not an accountant myself or any type of IRS official. It's still good advice, but for better advice, consult the right professionals. There is a rumor based on statistics that the IRS selects the people/businesses that they audit from those who file their taxes on time. Its a random, lottery-type selection (too...

How to Deduct Vehicle Expenses for Small Business Owners

Vehicle expenses are one of the largest expenses for businesses who own vehicles and one of the biggest deductions you can claim on your taxes as a small business owner. This article will give you all the actionable information you need, summarized from the book, Tax Savvy for Small Business by Frederick and Quinn. Follow these steps to deduct vehicle expenses from your small business taxes. Step 1: Keep a mileage log to record vehicle use. You'll...